Sensory Bottles: Learning Time Can be Playtime

Have you heard of them? Sensory bottles are a way to engage your toddler andSensory Bottle teach him/her active observation skills. While children think they’re playing, they’re actually learning and developing new skills associated with touch, sight, and deduction. Sensory bottles can also be called discovery bottles and calm down jars. The best thing about them- they’re almost cost free and can be made from just about anything! Sensory bottles can also be made to engage children from the baby stage to preschool!

Click here to see some examples of some pretty amazing sensory bottles. One of our favorites is the weather themed sensory bottles pinned by Can’t you just imagine a little one’s eyes lighting up with the swirl of leaves and snowflakes? Another great idea is the tried and true oil and water sensory bottle. For an example click here to see’s version. gives the following list of the benefits of sensory bottles-

Math: Counting, Ordinal Numbers, Matching, Addition, Shapes, Number Recognition

Language: Receptive Language (asking questions), Descriptive Language, Following 2-3 step Directions, Vocabulary Development

Reading/ Pre-Reading: Phonics, Beginning/ Ending sounds, Letter Matching, Sight Word Recognition, Fine Motor

Social Skills: Sharing, Communication, Problem Solving

Science: Sink/Float, Absorption, Classification, Sorting, Predictions, Observation

Sensory: Auditory Discrimination, Visual Perception, Proprioceptive Input, Vestibular movement, and sometimes even Olfactory Input”

So get creative and get actively involved with your little ones!

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